• Smart energy


Solar power is the fastest growing energy technology in the world, and works exceptionally well in a wide range of locations and climates.
Solar photovoltaic (PV) costs are falling fast and it looks to become one of the cheapest methods for generating electricity within the next decade.

In tandem with our international partners, Light Green Design is currently developing several large-scale opportunities in Africa, where a stable energy supply is considered to be a key factor for the development and growth of local communities and all kind of economic activities.


Wind turbines are traditionally located onshore, and are increasingly installed offshore. Wind energy installations range from large commercial wind farms to smaller developments, ideal for generating power for a farm or a local community. Depending on local wind speeds, a turbine will generate electricity 70–85 per cent of the time.
The overall reliability of wind turbines is high – over 97% is standard – and modern machines are designed to have a useful life of about 25 years.

We are constantly looking for the most suitable places for this technology in terms of average wind speeds with the aim to develop different opportunities in the near future.


Hydroelectricity has proven to be an efficient and reliable technology, as most modern plants have energy conversion efficiencies above 90%.
We are committed to develop different small-scale schemes – less than 10MW – offering a great opportunity for providing a reliable, flexible and cost-competitive power source with low environmental impacts.

These installations constitute remarkable investment opportunities, making a considerable contribution in many regions of the world, especially in rural or remote regions where other conventional sources of power are less readily available.


Biomass is the oldest source of renewable energy. It is derived from organic material such as trees, plants, and agricultural or industrial waste. The more sustainable sources is wood biomass such as wood residues from forestry cleaning and wastes from timber production sites. New combined heat and power (CHP) technologies generates renewable electricity and efficiently using waste heat from the process, ensuring high efficiency and low level of emissions. In many areas forestry maintenance could generate a huge amount of sustainable biomass easy to be converted into energy for the local community.

Light Green Design, in partnership with market leader manufacturers, has developed a full range of solutions serving small medium industries up to larger local communities.


The great attraction of solar photovoltaic (PV) technology is that it delivers electricity at the point of use. Providing that there is a suitable place to mount the system, PV is ideal for larger industrial or commercial applications and has numerous cost-effective applications to suit specific needs.
Solar PV is a great solution in all developing countries where a stable energy supply is not ensured by the existing power network, reducing the lack of electricity and temporary power cuts during working hours.

We provide bespoke solar PV solutions to businesses and landowners wishing to reap the rewards of solar power generation.


We believe clean energy should be available to everyone. Renewables are usually a reliable and effective solution to reduce energy costs given that they are now cost-competitive with fossil fuels.

Our team of engineers provide to customers an energy audit in order to identify the opportunities to improve the existing situation, recommending the most suitable technologies to be employed in specific case.
A detailed viability study is prepared estimating the initial cost of the investment and the financial benefit of the proposed solution.

Furthermore, we offer off-grid and energy access solutions that provide a practical and affordable option for underserved energy markets across the globe.

1.3 MW roof integrated solar PV plant in Ghana


The Client, a market leader carton producer, was experiencing frequent power cuts during working hours and fast growing electricity costs. Following a detailed energy audit, our solution was to integrate a solar PV plant on the rooftop of the industrial buildings ensuring power continuity, strong reduction of energy bills and a great investment opportunity. In […]

200 kW biomass to energy pipeline in Italy


In partnership with one of the most innovative company of this sector, we are installing several small cogeneration stations for different clients, based on the pyro-gasification of wood biomass. This small-scale technology is designed to be installed within standard portable units, representing an ideal and fast solution for many industries and medium size businesses. It […]

21 MW hydroelectric plant in Albania

In partnership with one of the leading company in the hydroelectric industry, we are now committed to build and manage five different hydroelectric plants in the region of Kukur, Albania for a total of 21 MWe. All permissions have been granted, financing is in progress to allow construction to start soon.

100 MW solar PV plant in Angola

Light Green Design is currently working together with local partners and the Government of Angola to develop 100 MW of new solar PV installation. The project will involve 15 different sites around the country and will support local communities and economic activities.
A build–own–operate–transfer (BOOT) is expected to be granted soon.